Why join as beta tester?

  1. Get 500 coins for free!

    You can use these coins to send post cards from our Letterbox platform.

  2. Be the first to explore.

    You'll be the first to be notified & can expirence the full fledged App.

  3. Forerunner's feedback,

    We create a postal community here, we are here to provide what the community wants. Your feedback is of utmost value to us.
    (ssshh! there are coin rewards for legit feedbacks)

Our promise to you is,
We give our best in creating a unique product that serves real purpose and make evident change in communication. We can only achieve this with the postal community. Join us, write a letter today.

Beta testnet, Register for an invite

We are running a closed beta testnet version for limited users, enroll yourself to receive an invite. Your feedback is of utmost value to us.
